3. Containerizing Applications

One major use of containerization is to build shippable containers out of applications. Here, we show how to containerize the following applications.

  • Front-end application with Angular

  • Backend application with Flask

  • Database with MySQL

3.1. Angular

The Angular application is created using Angular CLI. To create the application we simply type in the following command.

1ng new ui-app

Note that all the default options are used in the interactive creation of this Angular application, as the intention is not to show how to create an Angular application, but, rather, ship one out into a container. The structure of your Angular project should look like the following.

├── angular.json
├── browserslist
├── e2e
├── karma.conf.js
├── node_modules
├── package.json
├── package-lock.json
├── README.md
├── src
├── tsconfig.app.json
├── tsconfig.json
├── tsconfig.spec.json
└── tslint.json

The next thing to do is create a Dockerfile that will containerize this Angular application. A couple of things to note here. Notice that we have two FROM instructions. What is happening here is that we are using docker’s multi-stage build capabilities. The first FROM builds the Angular application using the node:lts docker image, and the second FROM uses the nginx:alpine docker image to run the built application (from the first stage). The first FROM aliases the first stage as NodeBuilder so that downstream stages may reference it.

 1FROM node:lts as NodeBuilder
 2WORKDIR /tmp/ui-app
 3COPY ./ui-app .
 4RUN npm install -g @angular/cli@8.3.19
 5RUN npm install
 6RUN ng build
 8FROM nginx:alpine 
 9COPY --from=NodeBuilder /tmp/ui-app/dist/ui-app /usr/share/nginx/html

Also, note the following instructions.

  • WORKDIR sets the working directory inside the container; this will be the current working path and every command inside the container will be relative to this path until changed

  • COPY copies files and/or folders locally to the container; here we copy the Angular directory my-app to the container’s directory /tmp/my-app

  • RUN executes the specified shell command inside the container; here, we install the Angular CLI, install the node libraries and then build the application (three RUN commands)

In using multi-stage build, we copy the output of the NodeBuilder stage into the /usr/share/nginx/html path of the last one.

We will also create a .dockerignore file to ignore copying files and folders that we do not want to be copied into the container. Namely, the dist and node_modules directories of the Angular applications are folders that we do not want to be copied over because they are derived and should be pulled in fresh from npm to reinforce the idea of reproducible builds, respectively. Additionally, the node_modules directory is typically very large, and if we ignore it, the tar file that is created and shipped to the local Docker server will have a reduced build context.


We place the Dockerfile and .dockerignore files one directory up from the my-app directory. Your project should look structurally as follows.

├── Dockerfile
├── .dockerignore
└── ui-app

We are now ready to build the Angular container.

docker build -t ui-app:local .

We may now run the container as follows. Note the port mapping -p 80:80 which maps the local port 80 to the container’s port 80.

1docker run --rm -p 80:80 ui-app:local

3.1.1. Angular Download

3.2. Flask

Before we create, build and deploy a Flask application, we need to install some Python dependencies. Since we prefer using conda to manage our environments and dependencies for Python, we issue the following command to make sure the packages/libraries we need are available.

1conda install -y flask flask-cors

The Flask application is very simple and has only 2 files; config.py for configuration and app.py as an application entrypoint. Here’s the code for config.py.

1APP_NAME = 'rest-app'
2AUTHOR = 'One-Off Coder'

Here’s the code for app.py. As can be seen, there is only one real route /v1/test and a catch-all route.

 1from flask import Flask, jsonify, request
 2from flask_cors import CORS
 3import json
 4import time
 6app = Flask(__name__)
 8CORS(app, resources={r'/*': {'origin': '*'}})
10@app.route('/', defaults={'path': ''})
12def catch_all(path):
13    return json.dumps({'message': app.config['AUTHOR']})
16@app.route('/v1/test', methods=['GET'])
17def hello():
18    current_milli_time = lambda: int(round(time.time() * 1000))
19    return json.dumps({
20        'author': app.config['AUTHOR'],
21        'app_name': app.config['APP_NAME'],
22        'timestamp': current_milli_time()
23    })
25if __name__ == '__main__':
26    app.run(debug=True, host='')

For local testing, we could run this Flask application as follows. However, we will containerize it and run it as a container.

1python app.py

The Dockerfile is defined as follows.

1FROM python:3
3WORKDIR /rest-app
4COPY ./rest-app .
5RUN pip install --no-cache-dir requests flask flask-cors
7CMD [ "python", "./app.py" ]

We do not do anything special in the Dockerfile; we simply use the python:3 container image as the base image, copy over the rest-app folder and install the dependencies using pip. There is a new instruction CMD that we specify, however, and it provides us a way to specify which executable should run when the container is brought to a running state.

The .dockerignore file is defined as follows. We ignore the __pycache__ directory.


In all, the structure of the folders and files should look like the following.

├── Dockerfile
├── .dockerignore
└── rest-app
    ├── app.py
    └── config.py

To build the Flask application.

1docker build -t rest-app:local .

We may now run the container as follows. Note the port mapping -p 5000:5000 which maps the local port 5000 to the container’s port 5000.

1docker run --rm -p 5000:5000 rest-app:local

3.2.1. Flask Download

3.3. MySQL

The MySQL container is the simplest container to define. It as simple as the following. However, what may look sophisticated is how we run our new container based off of the MySQL one.

1FROM mysql:8

To build our new database container.

1docker build -t db-app:local .

To run the container.

1docker run \
2    --rm \
3    -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=oneoffcoder \
4    -v `pwd`/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d \
5    -p 3306:3306 \
6    db-app:local

When running the container the you will notice the flag -v which specifies a mount. In the command above, when we run our database container, we mount the local directory docker-entrypoint-initdb.d to the container’s directory /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d. According to the documentation, when the database container starts, any SQL script found in /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d will be executed in alphabetical order. In our case, we have a simple setup.sql script that creates one database, one table in that database and one user for the database.

 3USE school;
 5CREATE TABLE student (
 6    id smallint unsigned not null auto_increment, 
 7    first_name varchar(50) not null, 
 8    last_name varchar(50) not null, 
 9    gender char(1) not null, 
10    constraint pk_example primary key (id) 
13INSERT INTO student (first_name, last_name, gender) VALUES 
14('John', 'Doe', 'M'),
15('Jane', 'Smith', 'F'),
16('Joe', 'Smith', 'M'),
17('Joyce', 'Doe', 'F')
20CREATE USER 'oneoffcoder'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'isthebest';
21GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON school.* TO 'oneoffcoder'@'localhost';

You will also notice the flag -e, which specifies a value for an environment variable. In this case, the environment variable is the root password for the MySQL database, called MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD, and the value is oneoffcoder.

When you run the database container, it will lock the terminal. Open a new terminal and you may open a shell session with the running container. First, see what is the Container ID of the running database container.

1docker ps

You should see an output like the following.

CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                 NAMES
45bee317b0d0        db-app:local        "docker-entrypoint.s…"   9 minutes ago       Up 9 minutes        3306/tcp, 33060/tcp   confident_bartik

Then run the exec subcommand. Below, we use the full container ID, however, you may use only the first few characters if they uniquely identify the running container. For example, instead of using 45bee317b0d0 completely, you may use 45, 45b, 45be, and so on. If there is another container whose ID starts with 45, the equivocality will be stated and you must continue to use as many characters as required to distinguish which container ID you are targeting.

1docker exec -it 45bee317b0d0 /bin/bash

A shell in the container will be created. You may then use the mysql CLI to go into the database to tinker around.

1mysql -u root -poneoffcoder
2mysql -u oneoffcoder -pisthebest

The structure of the files and folders is as follows.

├── docker-entrypoint-initdb.d
│   └── setup.sql
└── Dockerfile

3.3.1. MySQL Download